Discovering Family

Intercessory prayer was potent. God showed up. His presence was felt and He was speaking; he spoke the same thing to a few different people, but in their own language; he related the same idea to them in their own individual understanding for their own specific situation. And He spoke through me, and my sisters. I still find myself amazed that out of all the people in the world, heck, all the people in my church, and not to mention the women in that room, that the Almighty God, Creator of all, chooses to speak to me, but He has and He does. I am so extremely honored that I get to hear His voice, and that He trusts me deliver His heart to others.
The message that was going around was one of unity, family, joy, and identity – that you are who He made you to be, that you cannot be stained, marked unclean or not good enough. When we come together and share our lives with each other, our hardships and failures, our successes and and funny stories, we grow towards each other, we grow inclined to each other. It makes it easier to love; it makes it easier to be unified; it makes it easier to find joy and to jump in that stream of living. When our hearts are inclined towards Jesus and towards each other, speaking identity over people is a natural byproduct.
When you have that growing intimacy with people it is only natural to have struggles and frustrations arise as well; however, navigating through those waters is always so much easier because you have something others don’t really know or understand. You have the knowledge of God’s heart. You know He will not intentionally set out to hurt you, therefore those frustrations can be easily overcome and settled amongst each other. Having family feels good.

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